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Addressing Barriers to Sustainable Management

© UNESCO / Jacob Bock
(North-east Tobago UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Stock Footage Database)

Barriers to Sustainable Management

We all encounter in our daily lives barriers that do not allow us to develop our full potential and achieve our personal and community goals.

High Level Goal

To successfully facilitate, communicate, coordinate, and co-manage interventions regarding regenerative development, research, capacity building, education, and networking on landscape, human- and ecosystem levels for the benefit of North-east

Tobago’s cultural and natural heritage, communities, and people.

Current Situation

Over the past decade, North-east Tobago stakeholders agreed on these 12 key barriers to sustainable development:

  • an outdated legal and regulatory framework for establishing and managing natural and cultural resources,

  • unclear, fragmented roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, especially managing authorities,

  • disempowered and under-resourced
    management authorities,

  • inadequate funding,

  • willingness to participate if interventions
    seem to be too restrictive,

  • stakeholder conflicts,

  • lack of broad, bipartisan political will,

  • lack of technical capacity to identify and address issues,

  • minimal capacity on the ground with
    respect to practical approaches to effective
    natural and cultural heritage management,

  • inadequate law enforcement,

  • minimal experience with income-generating opportunities, and last but by no means least,

  • a lack of transparency, accountability, and
    compliance with regulation and legislation by the Tobago House of Assembly.

Further Information:

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