What is Animal Welfare?
Academic Purple Economy is an economy based on intellectual academic creativity.
High Level Goal
Treatment of animals is characterised by adhering to the best international animal welfare practices, applying One Welfare principles, and creating tangible community benefits that are an inspiration for other Caribbean islands.
Current Situation
North-east Tobago is still stuck with outdated, inhumane, and often appalling animal welfare conditions exemplified by stray dogs, slaughtering conditions, and inconsiderate fireworks. Our communities have never seized the opportunities and realised the benefits that can demonstrably be derived from best animal welfare practices, especially regarding social health, domestic violence, tourism, high-value agriculture, and reduced pollution.
Further Information:
Priority Needs
Animals are recognised as sentient beings and treated as such.
The internationally recognised five freedoms of animal welfare are respected and implemented wherever humans and animals interact.
Stakeholders experience tangible benefits from improved animal welfare.
Establish a One Welfare stakeholder advisory group.
Conduct a KAP (Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice) survey to provide guidance for further and continued outreach.
Formulate locally applicable animal welfare guidelines based on the One Welfare approach.
Identify key animal welfare stakeholder groups and implement annual awareness workshops.
Support local animal welfare groups and create international linkages to facilitate financial and public relations support.
Facilitate and coordinate the actualisation of tangible benefits to stakeholders that apply the best possible animal welfare practises.
Knowledge sharing with other Caribbean islands and Biosphere Reserve networks.