High Level Goal
An internationally competitive North-east Tobago UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Reserve university, focusing on applied sciences within a sustainable development framework, provides significant, continued, and resilient socio-economic benefits to Tobago.
Current Situation
Since the 1960s, NE Tobago, especially Charlotteville, has been frequently visited by local and international researchers and student groups which makes it a national science-tourism hotspot. Unfortunately, research is still conducted in silos, information is unreliably stored, complicated to access, and not widely shared.
Further Information:
Priority Needs
Research activities in the Biosphere Reserve are coordinated and aligned with the North-east Tobago Biosphere Reserve Management Plan;
research is implemented with and easily accessible for all stakeholders; and
research results are applicable, derive direct benefits to residents, inform sustainable economic development, and assist in meeting the 17 SDGs.
Establish a research and monitoring programme in collaboration with local and international stakeholders;
establish a research repository, housed within the TOBIMA, and accessible to stakeholders;
establish long-term research linkages with local and international academic institutions;
encourage community-based science; and
formalise research regulations to facilitate knowledge sharing, and protect against research-piracy.