High Level Goal
Residents, especially the youth, of North-east Tobago are aware of the principles and benefits of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme and have the knowledge and skills to use those to their common benefit while contributing to the achievement of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in North-east Tobago and beyond.
Current Situation
There are several private pre-schools; however, they hardly involve pedagogic elements that deal with the experience of nature. CSOs are delivering environmental and cultural awareness, training and education programmes regularly. There are no tertiary educational facilities in North-east Tobago.
Priority Needs
The educational aspects of the Man and the Biosphere Programme are intelligibly included in all curricula, welcomed by educators and not add to their workload;
young persons are actively participating in all aspects of the Biosphere Reserve via extracurricular activities and representation on the TOBIMA;
sustainable employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for residents, especially the youth in the Biosphere Reserve; and
sustainable and regenerative practises are included in all vocational training courses on subjects that are related to the use of ecosystem services
Establish stakeholder collaboration to include education on the Man and the Biosphere Programme on all educational levels;
consolidate the environmental and cultural educational programmes in the North-east Tobago UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Reserve to avoid duplications;
youth communication and exchange programmes within the global UNESCO Biosphere Reserve networks;
turn brain-drain into brain-circulation by making North-east Tobago attractive for studying, residing, and working;
create a job centre unit in the TOBIMA; and
align the OJT-Programme with Biosphere Reserve's ecopreneural initiatives.
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